Source code for rv.modules.sampler

import logging
from io import BytesIO
from itertools import chain
from struct import pack, unpack
from typing import List, Optional

from logutils import BraceMessage as _F
from rv.controller import Controller
from rv.modules import Behavior as B
from rv.modules import Module
from rv.modules.base.sampler import BaseSampler
from rv.note import NOTE
from rv.readers.reader import read_sunvox_file
from rv.synth import Synth

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Sampler(BaseSampler, Module): """ .. note:: Radiant Voices only supports sampler modules in files that were saved using newer versions of SunVox. Files created using older versions of SunVox, such as some of the files in the ``simple_examples`` included with SunVox, must first be loaded into the latest version of SunVox and then saved. """ chnk = 0x109 options_chnm = 0x0101 behaviors = {B.receives_notes, B.sends_audio} effect: Optional[Synth] class NoteSampleMap(dict): start_note = NOTE.C0 end_note = NOTE.a9 default_sample = 0 def __init__(self): super(Sampler.NoteSampleMap, self).__init__( (NOTE(note_value), self.default_sample) for note_value in range(self.start_note.value, self.end_note.value + 1) ) @property def bytes(self): return bytes(self.values()) @bytes.setter def bytes(self, value): for k, v in zip(self.keys(), value): self[k] = v class Envelope: chnm = None range = None initial_points = None initial_sustain_point = None initial_loop_start_point = None initial_loop_end_point = None initial_enable = None initial_sustain = None initial_loop = None initial_ctl_index = 0 initial_gain_pct = 100 initial_velocity = 0 initial_controller = 0 _legacy_point_bytes = None _legacy_active_points = None _legacy_sustain_point = None _legacy_loop_start_point = None _legacy_loop_end_point = None _legacy_bitmask = None def __init__(self): self.points = self.initial_points[:] self.sustain_point = self.initial_sustain_point self.loop_start_point = self.initial_loop_start_point self.loop_end_point = self.initial_loop_end_point self.enable = self.initial_enable self.sustain = self.initial_sustain self.loop = self.initial_loop self.ctl_index = self.initial_ctl_index self.gain_pct = self.initial_gain_pct self.velocity = self.initial_velocity self.loaded = False @property def bitmask(self): return self.enable | self.sustain * 2 | self.loop * 4 @bitmask.setter def bitmask(self, value): self.enable = bool(value & 1) self.sustain = bool(value & 2) self.loop = bool(value & 4) @property def point_bytes(self): y_points = (y - self.range[0] // 0x200 for y in self._y_values) values = list(chain.from_iterable(zip(self._x_values, y_points))) return pack("<" + "H" * len(values), *values) @property def _x_values(self): values = [x for x, y in self.points] while len(values) < 12: values.append(0) return values[:12] @property def _y_values(self): values = [y // 0x200 for x, y in self.points] while len(values) < 12: values.append(0) return values[:12] def chunks(self): yield b"CHNM", pack("<I", self.chnm) data = pack( "<HBBB", self.bitmask, self.ctl_index, self.gain_pct, self.velocity, ) data += b"\0\0\0" data += pack( "<HHHH", len(self.points), self.sustain_point, self.loop_start_point, self.loop_end_point, ) data += b"\0\0\0\0" for x, y in self.points: y -= self.range[0] data += pack("<HH", x, y) yield b"CHDT", data def load_chdt(self, chdt): ( self.bitmask, self.ctl_index, self.gain_pct, self.velocity, _, _, _, point_count, self.sustain_point, self.loop_start_point, self.loop_end_point, ) = unpack("<HBBBBBBHHHH", chdt[0:0x10]) points = self.points = [] for i in range(point_count): offset = 0x14 + i * 4 data = chdt[offset : offset + 4] x, y = unpack("<HH", data) min_y = self.range[0] points.append((x, y + min_y)) self.loaded = True class VolumeEnvelope(Envelope): chnm = 0x102 range = (0, 0x8000) initial_enable = True initial_loop = False initial_loop_start_point = 0 initial_loop_end_point = 0 initial_sustain = True initial_sustain_point = 0 initial_points = [(0, 0x8000), (8, 0), (0x80, 0), (0x100, 0)] class PanningEnvelope(Envelope): chnm = 0x103 range = (-0x4000, 0x4000) initial_enable = False initial_loop = False initial_loop_start_point = 0 initial_loop_end_point = 0 initial_sustain = False initial_sustain_point = 0 initial_points = [(0, 0), (0x40, -0x2000), (0x80, 0x2000), (0xB4, 0)] class PitchEnvelope(Envelope): chnm = 0x104 range = (-0x4000, 0x4000) initial_enable = False initial_loop = False initial_loop_start_point = 0 initial_loop_end_point = 0 initial_sustain = False initial_sustain_point = 0 initial_points = [(0, 0), (0x40, 0)] class EffectControlEnvelope(Envelope): range = (0, 0x8000) initial_enable = False initial_loop = False initial_loop_start_point = 0 initial_loop_end_point = 0 initial_sustain = False initial_sustain_point = 0 initial_points = [(0, 0x8000), (0x40, 0x8000)] def __init__(self, chnm): super().__init__() self.chnm = chnm class Sample: def __init__(self): = b"" self.loop_start = 0 self.loop_len = 0 self.volume = 64 self.finetune = 100 self.format = Sampler.Format.float32 self.channels = Sampler.Channels.stereo self.rate = 44100 self.loop_type = self.loop_sustain = False self.panning = 0 self.relative_note = 16 self.unknown6 = b"\0" * 23 @property def frame_size(self): size = { Sampler.Format.int8: 1, Sampler.Format.int16: 2, Sampler.Format.float32: 4, } multiplier = {Sampler.Channels.mono: 1, Sampler.Channels.stereo: 2} return size[self.format] * multiplier[self.channels] @property def frames(self): return len( // self.frame_size vibrato_type = Controller( BaseSampler.VibratoType, BaseSampler.VibratoType.sin, attached=False ) vibrato_attack = Controller((0, 255), 0, attached=False) vibrato_depth = Controller((0, 255), 0, attached=False) vibrato_rate = Controller((0, 63), 0, attached=False) volume_fadeout = Controller((0, 8192), 0, attached=False) samples: List[Optional[Sample]] def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(Sampler, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.volume_envelope = self.VolumeEnvelope() self.panning_envelope = self.PanningEnvelope() self.pitch_envelope = self.PitchEnvelope() self.effect_control_envelopes = [ self.EffectControlEnvelope(0x105), self.EffectControlEnvelope(0x106), self.EffectControlEnvelope(0x107), self.EffectControlEnvelope(0x108), ] self.note_samples = self.NoteSampleMap() self.samples = [None] * 128 self.unknown1 = b"\0" * 28 self.unknown2 = b"\0" * 4 self.unknown3 = b"\x40\x00\x80\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" self.unknown4 = b"\x04\x00\x00\x00" self.unknown5 = b"\0" * 9 self.effect = None def specialized_iff_chunks(self): iters = [ self.global_config_chunks(), self.envelope_config_chunks(), self.volume_envelope.chunks(), self.panning_envelope.chunks(), self.pitch_envelope.chunks(), self.effect_control_envelopes[0].chunks(), self.effect_control_envelopes[1].chunks(), self.effect_control_envelopes[2].chunks(), self.effect_control_envelopes[3].chunks(), ] for iter in iters: yield from iter if self.effect: f = BytesIO() self.effect.write_to(f) yield b"CHNM", b"\x0a\1\0\0" yield b"CHDT", f.getvalue() yield from super(Sampler, self).specialized_iff_chunks() for i, sample in enumerate(self.samples): if sample is not None: yield from self.sample_chunks(i, sample) def global_config_chunks(self): def b(v): return pack("<B", v) f = BytesIO() w = f.write w(self.unknown1) compacted_samples = self.samples.copy() while compacted_samples and compacted_samples[-1] is None: compacted_samples.pop() w(pack("<I", len(compacted_samples))) w(self.unknown2) w(self.note_samples.bytes[:96]) vol = self.volume_envelope pan = self.panning_envelope w(vol.point_bytes) w(pan.point_bytes) w(b(len(vol.points))) w(b(len(pan.points))) w(b(vol.sustain_point)) w(b(vol.loop_start_point)) w(b(vol.loop_end_point)) w(b(pan.sustain_point)) w(b(pan.loop_start_point)) w(b(pan.loop_end_point)) w(b(vol.bitmask)) w(b(pan.bitmask)) w(b(self.vibrato_type.value)) w(b(self.vibrato_attack)) w(b(self.vibrato_depth)) w(b(self.vibrato_rate)) w(pack("<H", self.volume_fadeout)) w(self.unknown3) w(b"PMAS") w(self.unknown4) w(self.note_samples.bytes) w(self.unknown5) yield b"CHNM", pack("<I", 0) yield b"CHDT", f.getvalue() f.close() def envelope_config_chunks(self): yield b"CHNM", pack("<I", 0x101) yield b"CHDT", b"\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" def sample_chunks(self, i, sample): f = BytesIO() w = f.write w(pack("<I", sample.frames)) w(pack("<I", sample.loop_start)) w(pack("<I", sample.loop_len)) w(pack("<B", sample.volume)) w(pack("<b", sample.finetune)) sustain_flag = 4 if sample.loop_sustain else 0 format_flag = { self.Format.int8: 0x00, self.Format.int16: 0x10, self.Format.float32: 0x20, }[sample.format] channels_flag = {self.Channels.mono: 0x00, self.Channels.stereo: 0x40}[ sample.channels ] loop_format_flags = ( sample.loop_type.value | format_flag | channels_flag | sustain_flag ) w(pack("<B", loop_format_flags)) w(pack("<B", sample.panning + 0x80)) w(pack("<b", sample.relative_note)) w(sample.unknown6) yield b"CHNM", pack("<I", i * 2 + 1) yield b"CHDT", f.getvalue() f.close() yield b"CHNM", pack("<I", i * 2 + 2) yield b"CHDT", yield b"CHFF", pack("<I", sample.format.value | sample.channels.value) if sample.rate != 44100: yield b"CHFR", pack("<I", sample.rate) def load_chunk(self, chunk): chnm = chunk.chnm chdt = chunk.chdt if chnm == self.options_chnm: self.load_options(chunk) elif chnm == 0: self.load_envelopes(chunk) elif chnm < 0x101 and chnm % 2 == 1: self.load_sample_meta(chunk) elif chnm < 0x101 and chnm % 2 == 0: self.load_sample_data(chunk) elif chnm == 0x101: self._unknown_0x101 = chdt elif chnm == 0x102: self.volume_envelope.load_chdt(chdt) elif chnm == 0x103: self.panning_envelope.load_chdt(chdt) elif chnm == 0x104: self.pitch_envelope.load_chdt(chdt) elif 0x105 <= chnm <= 0x108: self.effect_control_envelopes[chnm - 0x105].load_chdt(chdt) elif chnm == 0x10A: self.effect = read_sunvox_file(BytesIO(chdt)) def load_envelopes(self, chunk): data = chunk.chdt vol = self.volume_envelope pan = self.panning_envelope vol._legacy_point_bytes = data[0x84:0xB4] pan._legacy_point_bytes = data[0xB4:0xE4] vol._legacy_active_points = data[0xE4] pan._legacy_active_points = data[0xE5] vol._legacy_sustain_point = data[0xE6] vol._legacy_loop_start_point = data[0xE7] vol._legacy_loop_end_point = data[0xE8] pan._legacy_sustain_point = data[0xE9] pan._legacy_loop_start_point = data[0xEA] pan._legacy_loop_end_point = data[0xEB] vol._legacy_bitmask = data[0xEC] pan._legacy_bitmask = data[0xED] self.vibrato_type = self.VibratoType(data[0xEE]) self.vibrato_attack = data[0xEF] self.vibrato_depth = data[0xF0] self.vibrato_rate = data[0xF1] (self.volume_fadeout,) = unpack("<H", data[0xF2:0xF4]) self.note_samples.bytes = data[0x104:0x17B] self.unknown1 = data[0x00:0x1C] self.unknown2 = data[0x20:0x24] self.unknown3 = data[0xF4:0xFC] self.unknown4 = data[0x100:0x104] self.unknown5 = data[0x17B:0x184] def load_sample_meta(self, chunk): index = (chunk.chnm - 1) // 2 sample = self.samples[index] = self.Sample() data = chunk.chdt (sample.loop_start,) = unpack("<I", data[0x04:0x08]) (sample.loop_len,) = unpack("<I", data[0x08:0x0C]) sample.volume = data[0x0C] (sample.finetune,) = unpack("<b", data[0x0D:0x0E]) loop_format_flags = data[0x0E] loop = loop_format_flags & (0 | 1 | 2) sample.loop_type = self.LoopType(loop) format = loop_format_flags & (0x00 | 0x10 | 0x20) sample.format = { 0x00: self.Format.int8, 0x10: self.Format.int16, 0x20: self.Format.float32, }[format] if loop_format_flags & 0x40: sample.channels = self.Channels.stereo else: sample.channels = self.Channels.mono sample.loop_sustain = bool(loop_format_flags & 4) sample.panning = data[0x0F] - 0x80 (sample.relative_note,) = unpack("<b", data[0x10:0x11]) sample.unknown6 = data[0x11:0x28] def load_sample_data(self, chunk): index = (chunk.chnm - 2) // 2 sample = self.samples[index] = chunk.chdt format = chunk.chff & 0x07 or 1 sample.format = self.Format(format) if sample.format is None: sample.format = self.Format.int8 sample.channels = self.Channels(chunk.chff & 0x08) sample.rate = chunk.chfr def finalize_load(self): if not self.volume_envelope.loaded: self._upgrade_envelopes() def _upgrade_envelopes(self): _F( "Upgrading Sampler{} to infinite envelope format", "[{}]".format(self.index) if self.index is not None else "", ) ) vol = self.volume_envelope pan = self.panning_envelope vol.bitmask = vol._legacy_bitmask vol.sustain_point = vol._legacy_sustain_point vol.loop_start_point = vol._legacy_loop_start_point vol.loop_end_point = vol._legacy_loop_end_point pan.bitmask = pan._legacy_bitmask pan.sustain_point = pan._legacy_sustain_point pan.loop_start_point = pan._legacy_loop_start_point pan.loop_end_point = pan._legacy_loop_end_point vol_x_points = [ unpack("<H", vol._legacy_point_bytes[4 * i : 4 * i + 2])[0] for i in range(vol._legacy_active_points) ] pan_x_points = [ unpack("<H", pan._legacy_point_bytes[4 * i : 4 * i + 2])[0] for i in range(pan._legacy_active_points) ] vol_y_points = [ unpack("<H", vol._legacy_point_bytes[4 * i + 2 : 4 * i + 4])[0] * 0x200 for i in range(vol._legacy_active_points) ] pan_y_points = [ unpack("<H", pan._legacy_point_bytes[4 * i + 2 : 4 * i + 4])[0] * 0x200 - pan.range[0] for i in range(pan._legacy_active_points) ] vol.points = [ (vol_x_points[i], vol_y_points[i]) for i in range(vol._legacy_active_points) ] pan.points = [ (pan_x_points[i], pan_y_points[i]) for i in range(pan._legacy_active_points) ]