Source code for rv.modules.multictl

from enum import Enum
from itertools import chain

from rv.chunks import ArrayChunk
from rv.controller import CompactRange, Controller, Range
from rv.errors import MappingError
from rv.modules import Behavior as B
from rv.modules import Module
from rv.modules.base.multictl import BaseMultiCtl

def convert_value(gain, qsteps, smin, smax, dmin, dmax, vmax, value, curve=None):
    value = (value * gain) / 256
    value = min(value, 32768)
    if curve is not None:
        bucket = int(value / 128)
        start = 128 * bucket
        offset = value - start
        b = curve[bucket]
        a = curve[bucket + 1] if bucket < 256 else b
        c = min(offset / 128, 1.0)
        value = int((c * a) + ((1.0 - c) * b))
    srange = smax - smin
    if qsteps < 32768:
        quant = max(qsteps - 1, 1)
        step = 32768 / quant
        value = int(value / step)
        value = (value * step) / 32768
        value = smin + int(srange * value)
        value = smin + (srange * value) // 32768
    # TODO: out_offset
    drange = dmax - dmin
    if vmax is not None:
        value /= 32768 / vmax
    if drange > 0:
        value += dmin
        value = dmin - value
    return int(value)

def invert_value(gain, smin, smax, dmin, dmax, vmax, value):
    drange = dmax - dmin
    if drange > 0:
        value -= dmin
        value = dmin + value
    value *= drange
    # TODO: out_offset
    # TODO: map using multictl curve
    if gain == 0:
        return 0
    srange = smax - smin if smax > smin else smin - smax
    if srange == 0:
        return 0
    value *= 32768 / vmax
    value -= smin
    value /= srange
    value = min(32768, value)
    value = max(0, value)
    value *= 256
    value /= gain
    if smin >= smax:
        value = 32768 - value
    return int(value)

[docs]class MultiCtl(BaseMultiCtl, Module): mgroup = "Misc" chnk = 2 behaviors = {B.sends_controls} class Mapping: def __init__(self, value): self.min, self.max, self.controller = value[:3] class MappingArray(ArrayChunk): chnm = 0 length = 16 type = "IIIIIIII" element_size = 4 * 8 def default(self, _): return MultiCtl.Mapping((0, 0x8000, 0)) @property def encoded_values(self): return list( chain.from_iterable( (x.min, x.max, x.controller, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) for x in self.values ) ) @property def python_type(self): return MultiCtl.Mapping def __init__(self, **kwargs): curve = kwargs.pop("curve", None) mappings = kwargs.pop("mappings", []) super(MultiCtl, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.curve = self.curve_chunk() if curve is not None: self.curve.values = curve self.mappings = self.MappingArray() for i, mapping in enumerate(mappings): self.mappings.values[i] = self.Mapping(mapping) def on_value_changed(self, value, down, up): if self.parent is None or not down: return for i, to_mod in enumerate(self.out_links): mapping = self.mappings.values[i] mod = self.parent.modules[to_mod] ctl = list(mod.controllers.values())[mapping.controller - 1] vt = ctl.value_type if isinstance(vt, Range): vmax = None if isinstance(vt, CompactRange) else vt.max - vt.min smin, smax = mapping.min, mapping.max dmin, dmax = 0, vt.max - vt.min if smin > smax: smin, smax = smax, smin dmin, dmax = dmax, dmin converted = convert_value( self.gain, self.quantization, smin, smax, dmin, dmax, vmax, self.value, self.curve.values, ) final_value = converted + vt.min setattr(mod,, final_value) # TODO: apply out_offset # TODO: what should we do if it's not a range? def reflect(self, index=0, propagate=True): """Reflect the value of the controller mapped at the given index. It is the inverse of setting value. """ if index >= len(self.out_links): raise IndexError("No destination module mapped at index {}".format(index)) mapping = self.mappings.values[index] if mapping.controller == 0: raise IndexError( "No destination controller mapped at index {}".format(index) ) reflect_mod = self.parent.modules[self.out_links[index]] reflect_ctl_name = list(reflect_mod.controllers)[mapping.controller - 1] reflect_ctl = reflect_mod.controllers[reflect_ctl_name] reflect_value = getattr(reflect_mod, reflect_ctl_name) if hasattr(reflect_value, "value"): reflect_value = reflect_value.value t = reflect_ctl.value_type if isinstance(t, Range): dmin = t.min dmax = t.max elif t is bool: dmin = 0 dmax = 1 elif isinstance(t, type) and issubclass(t, Enum): dmin = 0 dmax = len(t) else: dmin = 0 dmax = 32768 inverted = invert_value( gain=self.gain, smin=mapping.min, smax=mapping.max, dmin=dmin, dmax=dmax, vmax=dmax - dmin if dmax > dmin else dmin - dmax, value=reflect_value, ) if propagate: self.value = inverted else: self.controller_values["value"] = inverted def specialized_iff_chunks(self): yield from self.mappings.chunks() yield from self.curve.chunks() yield from super(MultiCtl, self).specialized_iff_chunks() def load_chunk(self, chunk): if chunk.chnm == 0: self.mappings.bytes = chunk.chdt elif chunk.chnm == 1: self.curve.bytes = chunk.chdt @staticmethod def macro(project, *mod_ctl_pairs, name=None, layer=0, x=0, y=0, initial=None): if len(mod_ctl_pairs) > 16: raise MappingError("MultiCtl supports max of 16 destinations") mappings = [] mods = [] gains = set() for mod, ctl in mod_ctl_pairs: if not isinstance(ctl, Controller): ctl = mod.controllers[ctl] t = ctl.instance_value_type(mod) if isinstance(t, type) and issubclass(t, Enum): mapmin, mapmax = 0, len(t) - 1 gains.add(256 + int(256 / mapmax)) elif t is bool: mapmin, mapmax = 0, 1 gains.add(512) elif t.min == 1: mapmin, mapmax = t.min, t.max gains.add(256 + int(256 / mapmax)) elif isinstance(t, CompactRange): mapmin, mapmax = 0, (t.max - t.min) gains.add(256) else: mapmin, mapmax = 0, 0x8000 gains.add(256) mappings.append((mapmin, mapmax, ctl.number)) mods.append(project.modules[mod.index]) if len(mods) != len(set(mods)): raise MappingError( "Only one MultiCtl mapping per destination module allowed" ) gain = list(gains).pop() if gains and len(gains) == 1 else 256 bundle = project.new_module( MultiCtl, name=name, layer=layer, x=x, y=y, gain=gain, mappings=mappings ) bundle >> mods if initial is not None: bundle.value = initial return bundle